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Are you ready for Social Dis-tancing???!!!

So I am ready for the big game. The KC Chiefs are the nations champions, and my hometown
team. With no pre-season games to break us in, we were chomping at the bit. It wasn’t Monday
night, but I was ready for some football. Amid all that is going on in the nation, the pandemic,
civil unrest; football on a Thursday night felt…safe. But to my chagrin, there was no way on earth
that 4 quarters of football WOULDN’T be affected by the nation’s problems.
COVID and the NFL, what are they doing about it? First out the gate, the cardboard cut-outs are
laughable. We don’t need any extra entertainment; we came to watch football; I don’t want to
see the People’s Champ cuddled up with the Matriarch of England!?
We understand why the seats are empty NFL owners, at least give us some respect as the NBA
had virtual screens with what, real fans. The stadium was a ghost town, the seats were empty,
there were no food lines—nada. But guess what, prices for 2 seats in the nosebleeds were around
$360!!! Yes even though there has been a pandemic, the athletes didn’t take a pay cut, the
vendors are not giving merchandise for half price. In other words—people still got to get paid.
This is the reason they are letting anyone in the stadiums at all! I read on social media this quote
and it was quite powerful and telling of where the US stands. The quote said this, it’s a shame
how here in America we have learned to live with COVID-19 rather than get rid of it. Why, you
ask? America is a corporation built on capitalism. It’s a business. Every country eats from America
and that can NOT stop.
Then they said they placed some sort of tracker on each player so if someone comes down with
COVID they would know who they have been in contact with…. oook. I do not want to fill this up
with a lot of my opinion, because once we go down the rabbit hole, there is no going back. Is the
NFL doing something to deal with social distancing? Yes. Is it the best option? Personally no, but
in the capitalist worldview that we live in, this keeps money coming in. And if money or the bag
is #goals then…. You be the judge.
Until next time family………

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What in the Georgia Guidestones? Part 2

The guide stones have 10 suggestions and the very first one is a brow raiser and most
pertinent to our hypothesis:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature

It does not say how to do this. It does not say why we should do this. And as a reader if
we do not understand the text, we must get the writers intentions. SO we look at the
author. Based upon my beliefs of this message being ancient, we probably will not know
who “coined the phrase” but who paid for the erecting of this monument? The story is
“Robert C. Christian” which was not even his real name went to the Granite Finishing
Company and commissioned the structure in 1979. He stated it was on the behalf of a
“small group of loyal Americans”. That right there is enough to raise the BS alarm.
These same loyal Americans had the bank to fund it because they had been planning
the guide stones monument for 20 years!

Not to mention the stones were defaced in 2008. People sprayed “death to the new
world order” and that is not too far from the truth. The stones also mention that we
should unite humanity with a new language. One language. All nations rule internally
resolving external disputes in a world court. One rule. Some things about structured
reproduction like the “One Child Rule” in China. A lot of things that are a total 180 from
American culture. This…… is some shady ish.

So is it crazy to think that this pandemic could have been planned by a small group of
people similar to the small group of Americans in 1971 ,trying to initiate the melding of
our current worldview into the futuristic worldview we have entertained ourselves with
through The Handmaids Tale and Hunger Games. Could there be a group of elites
outside of who we read about in the papers that controls everything. Could all world
events from the Titanic to 9/11 started as mere ideas in dark forest of a Bohemian
Grove? Or a conference room in the Bilderberg Group meeting. This economic
depression could have been agreed upon in the 1970s in the Swiss Alps while Bush
and Bin Laden’s fathers shared whiskeys by a fire?

Lesson: Research for yourself. Its 2020 and its time to stop basing your knowledge on
the spoon-fed media nuggets you receive from Fox 4. Check out some actual books.
Things that cannot be modified by any Joe Schmoe. You are now in charge of your
journey for truth.
Until next time family……

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